Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Geography Majors Tea - Friday 9 March 2012, 3-5pm at AS7 Seminar Rooms ABC

Dear Students,

Invitation to the Geography Majors Tea (Friday 9 March 2012, 3–5pm, AS7 Seminar Rooms ABC)

As a Geography major, you are an extremely important part of our Department.  Beyond the classroom, we would like to engage with you on an informal way and to get feedback from you regarding your experience at NUS. Towards this end, we are organizing a Geography Majors Tea on Friday 9 March 2011, 3-5pm, at AS7 Seminar Rooms ABC. If you happen to have a class at 2-4pm or 4-6pm, I hope the timing of the tea will allow you to join us at either at 4-5pm or 3-4pm. 

Some majors have expressed concerns about changes in the curriculum and requirements for pursuing Honours. Some important announcements on these matters (eg. GE3240, timeline for Year 3 final semester, GE4101A/B, Honours Thesis, ISM) will be made at the start of the session.  Then, students will get an opportunity to chat with various Geography lecturers (in a ‘rotational’ manner, so you get to meet with around 6 staff members in total). In previous years, students have told us they enjoy the chat most because it is a way to get to know their lecturers ‘up close and personal’.


3pm: Welcome

3.10pm:  Important Announcement on Geography Curriculum & Honours Requirements

3:40pm: Up close and personal with your friendly lecturers

4.55pm: End of event
So, please do come along and share your thoughts with us!  Please sign up with Mrs. Chong Mui Gek ( by Friday, 24 February 2012 so that we can plan for refreshments.  I look forward to seeing you there.

Matthias Roth
Associate Professor
Acting Head