Highlights of the MSS tour include a talk about Singapore climate, the instrumentation, and how forecasts are developed by MSS!
Additionally, Dr Chow will be touching on the importance of climate observation in Singapore and Dr. Woon will be sharing some of his geographical insights on Changi Airport!
If you are interested in joining us, do take note of the following details:
What: Meteorological Services Singapore & Changi Airport Tour
When: 28th February 2014 (Friday of Recess Week)
Time: 9am-12:30pm
Where: Changi MRT (entrance to Terminal 2)
Number of participants: 25
Don’t miss it! Scan the QR code now to go to the signup page! Alernatively, you can go tohttp://tinyurl.com/changiairportouting to sign up. See you there!