Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Recruitment of volunteers for International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS) on 8 Sept 2012 (Sat) morning

Dear all

On behalf of Dr Dan Friess, we would like to recruit volunteers for an International Coastal Cleanup Singapore (ICCS) event

Date: 8 September 2012 (Sat)
Time: 0800-1200 (timing to be confirmed).
Venue: Chek Jawa (Pulau Ubin) 
Meet at: Changi Point Ferry Terminal
This event is part of a greater initiative that "aims to remove and collect data on the debris from the shorelines, waterways and beaches of the world's lakes, rivers and oceans. This information serves to educate the public on marine debris issues and to encourage positive change by submissions to governmental and international organizations that will reduce debris in waterways and enhance aquatic environments (http://coastalcleanup.nus.edu.sg/aboutcleanup.html, last accessed 14 August 2012)."
Just a note that

1. There will be some cost to be incurred by each participant, which includes
- A pair of thick gloves per person (a few bucks each)
- Boat ride to Ubin from Changi ($5 per person for a two-way trip)
- Bus from Ubin to field site ($4 per person for a two-way trip)

2. In view of the early reporting time, we are working to arrange for transportation from NUS to Changi Point Ferry Terminal on the morning of 8 Sept 2012 (Sat). More information (exact time and venue) will be provided at a later date.

3. A list of footwear and other things required will also be sent to your email address at a later date.

If you are interested to participate in this event, please sign up with us at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFVrSlRzTVpOcy11VlVhMFpmVU01RVE6MQ by 2 September 2012 (Sun).

Should you have any further queries regarding this event, do refer to the ICCS homepage at http://coastalcleanup.nus.edu.sg/index.html for more information. Alternatively, you may choose to contact Dr Dan Friess at dan.friess@nus.edu.sg directly for clarifications.

Thank and best regards,
NUS Geographical Society 
1 Arts Link, Singapore 117570