Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Internal Recognition and Recommendation Scheme for NUS Geographical Society (AY2012/2013)

As required by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), NUS - To ensure transparency and accountability, this is a copy of the Internal Recognition and Recommendation Scheme submitted for OSA records and to be used by NUS Geographical Society for AY2012/2013.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Geography
NUS Geographical Society  
10 July 2012

Internal Recognition and Recommendation Scheme for NUS Geographical Society (AY2012/2013)

With only four places given to each student society under Tier 4 of Category A in the Residence Admission Scheme framework, in the case where there is an excess in demand for this tier of balloting within the NUS Geographical Society, a vote within the Management Committee (MC) will be conducted. All interested 47th MC members regardless of position, upon expressing interest, shall be granted an opportunity to give a five minutes presentation at a meeting on why they should be one of the four people to be considered for balloting in this tier under NUS Geographical Society's endorsement. A vote will then be cast within the MC and the four people with the highest number of votes shall be chosen to participate in this tier of balloting under the society’s endorsement.

In the case where demand is no more than supply (four slots), no presentation is necessary and the President of the society shall facilitate application with OHS.

Koh Huiwen Nadine (Ms.) 
Geography Major, Year 4
President | 46th Management Committee 
NUS Geographical Society
1 Arts Link, Singapore 117570

For more information on RAS, please refer to