Monday, September 19, 2011

NEW Facebook Group created for geography majors, alumni, staff and faculty members

Dear Geographers, 
NUS Geographical society has launched a new initiative!
This is our official Facebook group for all NUS Geographers (Faculty, Staffs, Alumni, Majors and Majors-to-be).

The purpose of this page is to link the NUS Geography family together in one place. 
You are highly encouraged to post topics/ articles/ papers/ threads for sharing and discussion amongst everyone. For current/ future majors, should you have any academic-related questions, you may also post it on the facebook group's wall and we will work to direct you to the appropriate channel/ work with the department to resolve your queries. For alumni, you are still a part of this family and we welcome your contributions about your experiences and working life with your peers and juniors alike.
Should you have any suggestions/ feedback about our activities and/or about Geog Soc, please feel free to contact us at

Group Admins reserve the right to delete any posts/ remarks that are inappropriate/ offensive for the Facebook group. 
Thank you very much for joining the group and we look forward to a great year ahead! 
NUS Geog Soc 
46th Management Committee